Equity Forward

Curricular Resources & Professional Development for Faculty

New GUMC Tool

Upstate Bias Checklist for GUMC Educators: A Checklist for Assessing Bias in Health Professions Education Content

“As future physicians and leaders in healthcare, beginning our education with this exercise was critical to better understanding the responsibility we vow to take and uphold.”


Professional Development Workshops

Equity Forward Faculty Workshops – 2025: This series contains fundamental principles workshops to educate faculty, fellows, residents, and staff on the basics and core values around creating equitable and inclusive learning environments with the theme of “Building Foundational Knowledge in Health Equity and Cultivating Inclusive Learning.” These stand-alone workshops can be joined at any time. Participants who attend and complete any 6 or more workshops of the series listed below will receive a Certificate of Completion on Teaching for Inclusion and Equity. CE credit will be offered. This series is open to all MedStar and GUMC Faculty, Fellows, Residents, and Staff. The series will be virtually hosted on Zoom. 

Please find workshop dates/titles/RSVP forms/resources at this link.


Email us: healthequitycurriculum@georgetown.edu if you are Interested in receiving future Equity Forward newsletters.

Studies on Bias Free Curriculum and Faculty Development

“This past week has evoked many different feelings for me – humility, understanding, perspective, shock, and more. Having worked with vulnerable populations and taken racial equity courses previously, I thought I had a solid grasp on the pervasiveness of systemic inequalities that affect our communities. However, there was so much more to learn from the various small group discussions, panelist conversations, and independent exercises that were integrated into Intersession I. It was humbling to learn the context behind current social determinants of health. Reflecting on those activities have pushed me to think deeply about the lens through which we view patient care and what we can do as thought leaders to improve conditions for vulnerable populations especially.”

GUSOM student about P3


Guiding Principles

Further Articles for Equity Forward Faculty

Free Classroom Resources for Equity Forward Faculty

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